AOSSIE - The Australian National University's Open-Source Software Innovation and Education

Research-Intensive Open-Source Projects at Australia's Leading University

python, postgresql, llvm, scala, lisp
privacy, health, logic, live programming, data analysis
Research-Intensive Open-Source Projects at Australia's Leading University

We are an umbrella organization for open-source projects developed at the Australian National University (ANU). The ANU is Australia's best-ranked university and 19th best-ranked in the world. The ANU's Research School of Computer Science strives to provide an enriching research-led educational experience in the fields of computer science, software engineering and information technology. Innovation through novel open-source projects are an essential aspect of our strategy to maximize our return to society. We believe the open-source philosophy provides a resource-efficient channel for the transfer of knowledge, and this is fully aligned with our educational goals.

Our open-source projects are research-intensive and span a wide range of topics, including programming languages (Extempore), logic and automated reasoning (Skeptik), network analytics (Rogas), and privacy-preserving data linkage for medical data (PriMedLink). We provide excellent mentorship; we have a diverse group of mentors, with extensive experience in supervising undergraduate, M.Sc. and Ph.D. students on theses and projects, whose results are often published and presented in the most prestigious conferences of our research fields.

We are looking for excellent students of any level (undergraduate, M.Sc., or Ph.D.), who are interested in becoming long-term collaborators in our projects and becoming part of the open-source approach to software development. We will evaluate student applications solely on the basis of academic merit, programming skills and the feasibility of the proposals.

If you are a prospective student interested in doing your Google Summer of Code (GSoC) project with us, please contact us as soon as possible. We will do our best to assist and guide you in the formulation of your GSoC project proposal.

2016 Program

Successful Projects

Katya, Bruno Woltzenlogel Paleo
AOSSIE - The Australian National University's Open-Source Software Innovation and Education
Implementation of theorem prover based on Skeptik's data structures and Conflict Resolution algorithm
Skeptik[1] is a tool focused on compression of proofs, but it's also possible to generate proofs using it's infrastructure. There is a new algorithm...
Omid Rezvani
AOSSIE - The Australian National University's Open-Source Software Innovation and Education
Local Community Detection Search Using a Conceptual View
Rogas is based on a conceptual view of network analytics, where two families of topological constructs have been introduced and implemented for...
Yan Xiao
Minjian Liu, Qing
AOSSIE - The Australian National University's Open-Source Software Innovation and Education
Dynamic Network Analysis in Rogas
Developing a visualization tool that can visualize graphs dynamically, and designing dynamic analysis strategies that can provide a flexible and...
Ezequiel Postan
Katya, Bruno Woltzenlogel Paleo
AOSSIE - The Australian National University's Open-Source Software Innovation and Education
Parsers implementation and extension of proof compression algorithms from propositional to first-order logic
Skeptik [1] is a collection of data structures and algorithms focused especially on the compression of formal proofs. Resolution proofs, in...
Peter Christen, Dinusha Vatsalan
AOSSIE - The Australian National University's Open-Source Software Innovation and Education
Private medical data comparison functions for similar patient matching
Current implementation of PPSPM Software ( handles similar patient matching (SPM) based on Bloom filter based masking...
benswift, Digego
AOSSIE - The Australian National University's Open-Source Software Innovation and Education
Extempore - Live coding with simulation codes
I will be using investigating the opportunities that Extempore provides in creating a more dynamic workflow for scientists programming simulation and...