Harshit Dwivedi

Enhancements to the FOSSAsia Open Event Android App

Mentors, triplez, Duke Leto, Abhishek Batra, MarioB, Elio Qoshi, Oren Golan

Enhancing the FOSSAsia Open Event Template to add new functionalities like

  1. Fixing app specific bugs (Random Force Close and similar errors), optimize app Performance, and Stabilization.
  2. Android Wear support by allowing the user to receive notification for the events he has bookmarked on his smartwatch and get the driving directions to the event.
  3. Enhancing the Map Activity by displaying all the sub events and allowing the user to navigate to the event from the app itself.The map will also show locations of nearby hotels and Airports.
  4. Adding features like ability to mark the attendance and rate the session.
  5. Enhancing the general UI/UX of the app by redesigning various parts of the app by following material guidelines and optimizing the UI for tablets.
  6. Adding an option to display recent G+/Twitter posts by the Speaker and the Organization, Session images and also the reviews given to an event by the attendees.
  7. Generate the apk without using Android Studio by adding an option in the app which asks for API URL, App name and icon and then generates a signed .apk. This can also be done using a web-app that uses the build-bot for generating the app.