
​Obscure Features, Locking/Unlocking of Access Protection, EEPROMs and CFI

dhendrix, stefanct

The broad goal is to enhance flashrom by adding new and (somewhat) obscure features and, merging pending patches. This project comprises several sub-projects -

  • Locking/unlocking of access protection

Build towards a single flashrom codebase. Basic patches exist in the ChromiumOS branch, but further work needs to be done.

  • Support for Multiple Status Registers
  • Support for OTP/Security Registers
  • Add Support for EEPROMs

Investigate changes arising in the core infrastructure (including libflashrom) and produce mergeable code that is sustainable.

  • Common Flash Interface (CFI)

Give flashrom the ability to auto-detect chips with CFI capability (similar to auto-detecting SFDP-capable chips).