Adding PaaS support to Brooklyn
- Mentors
- Organization
- Apache Software Foundation
The Apache open-source-project Brooklyn is a multi- cloud application management platform. Brooklyn can manage the provisioning and deployment of cloud applications, can monitor applications’ health and metrics, and handle the dependencies between components. It enables cross-computing features through a unified API built over jClouds to manage IaaS services offered by various providers. The tool offers a REST API and a GUI that enables a single-click deployment of applications across multiple machines, locations and clouds.
As it was aforementioned, Brooklyn provides an API for the management of IaaS cloud services and ssh resources for a great number of providers and establishes a lifecycle for the management of services and applications. This project propose to extend this API with facilities for the management of PaaS offerings such as Google App Engine, AWS services, Heroku, CloudFoundry (such as Pivotal or Bluemix) , Openshift, etc., providing an homogeneous access to IaaS and PaaS services. Moreover, it opens up some interesting proposal such as adding new technologies support, e.g., Python, PHP and adding new management policies in order to take advantage of PaaS features.