Leonard Dervishi

Collaborative construction of cancer pathways with PathwayMapper

Ugur Dogrusoz, Konnor La
cBioPortal for Cancer Genomics

The tool used in cBioPortal for network visualization is a powerful one with many implemented features. However, researchers and biologists are more comfortable with a simplified network view, which represents diagrams of curated The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) pathways. With the aim to have a more attractive and intuitive tool for the biologists, PathwayMapper project was developed, which provides more intuitive pathway diagrams supported with cBioPortal’s rich data. For this project, I hope to help in implementation of a new version of PathwayMapper, which will include new features as well as making it more user friendly and easier to be used. Furthermore, I'd like to do the necessary integration to the portal pages such that PathwayMapper capabilities are more conveniently reachable to portal users.