Sahith Dambekodi

General Computer-Assisted Learning including Speaking Skills

ronanki, lanceculnane, James Salsman, Patrick Morris-Suzuki, prnk28
CMU Sphinx

This proposal is for the implementation of Computer-Aided Language Learning from the browser using Pocketsphinx.js. Using Twee/Twine as the question format, users will complete voice-based assignments based on courses which will be integrated with Moodle and Wikiversity. The user's motivation and effort levels will be monitored and a system which monitors these parameter and keep both of them at an optimum level will be integrated with the assignments. Based on these parameters, hints will be given or with held so that the user progresses better. A community feature will be implemented which will facilitate the formation of peer-learning groups (This can also be in the form of a very basic version of an online role-playing game). Amazon Mturk will be used for the collection of transcription data.