
Petabyte-Scale Cloud Storage File Manager

Hugo Gonzalez Labrador, Michael D'Silva, Thomas Müller

CERNBox is a cloud storage synchronisation service for CERN users: it allows syncing and sharing files on all major mobile and desktop platforms (Linux, Windows, MacOSX, Android, iOS) aiming to provide offline availability to any data stored in the CERN EOS infrastructure. CERNBox is based on ownCloud, a cloud sync and share platform written in PHP following a Model-View-Controller architecture software pattern.

This project aims to provide a prototype of a new web UI for CERNBox that will provide an immersive user experience. To achieve this, a milestone of this project is to provide offline manipulation of the data from the browser. The use case is that when a user goes offline in his browser, he could continue to work on the document and perform actions like renaming and browsing his files. Once network is re-established, the application will reconcile the changes in the browser cache with the server, offering a non-disruptive work environment for the end-user.