Enhancing Boost.Intrusive Library
- Mentors
- Rishabh Arora
- Organization
- Boost C++ Libraries
This increases the scope of Boost.Intrusive library by adding more data structures into the collection.Every data structure is capable of solving a large range of problems.So adding data structures increases the problem solving ability of intrusive library which increases the number of users using this library.Nowadays, data structures are used in many fields.There are 2 main reasons behind the use of data structures.First, to obtain better performance benefits and Second, to save space required for execution of an algorithm.The data structures i am going to implement are Segment tree , Fenwick tree , Suffix tree and Suffix Automata .segment tree and fenwick tree are very useful when range queries need to be done efficiently.Suffix tree and automata can solve various types of string based problems.Hence , these are very much used in modern world.Hence this project increases the demand for the intrusive library.Every data structure can only solve problems with particular characteristics and it cannot solve or the performance is bad when the same data structure is used for other types of problems.So, one has to select correct data structure.