Priyanshu Khandelwal

Enhancements To Open Event Orga Application

Mario Behling, Arnav Gupta, Areeb Jamal, Niranjan Rajendran, the-dagger

Open Event Orga Application is a client-side application for Open Event API designed for Event Organizers. The app provides functionality to Create Events, Create Tickets, Check In Attendee, Scan QR Code, Sales Overview, User Authentication etc.

To further increase app's performance, user experience and expand its horizon, the following enhancements are proposed -

● Migration to MVVM Architecture.

● Background Job Scheduling for Offline Support.

● Implementing various core modules comprising Orders, Sessions, Call for Speakers etc

● Analytics and check-in/check-out functionalities.

This will be accompanied by adding the required REST API and resolving bugs in Open Event Server project.

Best available and tested technologies will be used to implement the above enhancements and test them thoroughly to achieve high-performance.