Astronomy Library
- Mentors
- VinÃcius Oliveira
- Organization
- Boost C++ Libraries
This project involves developing a new library which tries to cover the major concepts of a complex and diverse field of Astronomy. This library will provide functionalities to mitigate the complexities of astronomical calculations using C++.
1) Celestial Coordinate System:
For any Astronomical observation, it is essential to know the location of any object on the celestial sphere. These classes will provide functionalities (e.g.: find sun, find the moon, the angular separation between two points in the sky, find the constellation of coordinate, conversion from cartesian coordinates to spherical polar coordinates and vice versa, etc.) for using different coordinate systems, process them for different purposes and convert them into each other.
2) Handling FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) File:
This library will provide functionality for reading, manipulating and verifying file which can further be used for other processes like making light curves or spectroscopy. It will deal with data unit consisting of 8 bit, 16 bit and 32 bit also. It will also provide functionality for converting the normal image to FITS and applying Astrometry to find positions of objects in the data unit