Yash Ladha

Badgeyay as a complete service

Mie Lam, Nayana Adassuriya, Ricky Ng-Adam, Mario Behling, Nicco Kunzmann, DEEPJYOTI MONDAL


This is an online utility to generate badges for events like conference, talks etc. This project is an extension project to Eventyay project in fossasia. Currently, there are platforms that provide such service like Conference Badge. There is no in house utility that comfortably links with the Open Event and Eventyay and provides the same services as the platform or more. The platform currently can do basic generation of badges but needs more features to become a better alternative to its competitors.

The proposed enhancements can be:

  • Improvement in the API Endpoint, for better connection with parent projects.
  • Implementation of Authentication using firebase
  • QR Code generation for the badges and improvements in the CLI package to reformat the code structure
  • Improvements in the frontend.

These and more changes will enable the project to become a standalone tool. Also improving the application as a progressive web application will be one of the major tasks and it will enable the website to use the current web trends.