Sai Krishna Chowrigari

Plain GPS-based Recording for enviroCar

dewall, Christoph Stasch, Christian Autermann
52° North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH

Currently, recording procedure in the enviroCar android application will be started only when user's phone is connected to the OBD-II adapter through Bluetooth. I would like to add the following features to the application :

  1. Allow the user to record the track without connecting to the OBD-II adapter(Plain GPS Recording).
  2. Embed activity recognition API in the app, so that some of the things like starting and ending of track become automatic.
  3. Redesign the Dashboard of the app.
  4. View live track data like RPM, CO2, Consumption, etc. to the user while tracking.
  5. Upgrade some of the old libraries used in the app(eg: Dagger, ButterKnife, etc.).