
Implement OGC Catalog Service for the Web(CSW)

Charith Elvitigala, Martin Desruisseaux
Apache Software Foundation

This project focus on building about the server side of the Catalog Service for the Web(CSW) is base on OGC Catalogue interface standards use the Apache CXF framework, CXF enables the development of RESTful services via annotations using the HTTP Binding. Using URI templates and annotations that can bind a service operation to arbitrary URL/verb combinations. For each new metadata added to the CSW, relevant metadata will been server read only once and stored in a PostgreSQL database. This database would be used by the CSW engine for performing the search. About the client side, I will creat a client application simple, from there, the user can search for metadata they are interested in CSW. Implementing OGC CSW is not only applicable for VNSC but also for other space agencies in searching images by criteria since the metadata used in this project (provided by VNSC) is largely used by other space agencies. This project aims the web server application would be developed in the Apache SIS application/sis-webapp module.