Developers Italia

An open community of digital public services developers

python, go, node.js, scala, html/css/js
open data, web applications, open source, open government, public code
An open community of digital public services developers

Developers Italia is a community dedicated to the development of Open Source Software, created to support the Italian digital public services.

It is a radical change in the way the Public Administration operates. In fact, everything we are doing is achieved through open standards and software. We are creating SDKs for the main programming languages and frameworks, we craft publicly documented APIs, we organize public code catalogues. Our mission is to contribute to open projects, and the people we contract to improve the technology become Open Source developers.

Most of the code is deployed within the Italian public institutions, but it is meant to be generic, in the hope that it will be useful to many other people around the world. Around these tools we are engaging a community of developers and innovators, inside and outside Italy, that can participate in all aspects of the creation of the new digital infrastructure.

2019 Program

Successful Projects

Sanyam Dogra
Silvio Relli, Francesco Zaia
Developers Italia
Complete the React Web Toolkit
Among the projects followed by the Developers Italia community, there are few Kits to help web development phase, that are based on a shared design...
Alessandro Vannoni
Alessio Cimarelli, Alessandro Ercolani
Developers Italia
Creating plots based on DAF data
This project involves the creation and refinement of a tool to create plots, using the Data & Analytics Framework APIs or graphql based on DAF data....
Aymen Naghmouchi
Developers Italia
OpenAPI V3
Interoperability ModelPort the gen-api-models tool to OpenAPI v3 I spoke with Mentor/managers on Slack (Leonardo Favario and Roberto Polli) Which I...