Solid geometry, computer graphics, 3D printing, modeling, CAD, CAM, & other CAx!
Solid geometry, computer graphics, 3D printing, modeling, CAD, CAM, & other CAx!
This is the place to be if you love or want to learn more about computer graphics. We do 2D/3D modeling, 3D printing, solid geometry, ray tracing, and more. Depending on the project, you'll work with C/C++, Python, OpenGL, OpenCL, Qt, Tcl/Tk, Javascript/Node.js, and so much more... Help us make computer-aided technologies (CAx) to be freely used around the world!
BRL-CAD operates under an umbrella organization with several other computer-aided technologies (CAx) including:
- OpenSCAD is a solid 3D modeler with a rich syntax for programmable geometry.
- Slic3r is a 3D model processor for generating printing instructions for 3D printers.
- LibreCAD is a 2D modeling system specializing in blueprint-style drawings and draftings.
- FreeCAD provides parametric 3D modeling with engineering functionality like FEM and CAM.
We want to select at least one student for each, so feel free to ask us where to start.
2019 Program
Successful Projects
Ali Haydar
Sean Morrison, gabbar1947 (S.Rathore), Daniel Rossberg
Implement more annotation support: labels, notes, and dimensions #28
The project will aim to enhance the existing annotation capability and add another type of annotations like dimensions , labels and single or...