Konstantinos Kyriakidis

Batchtools for Compute Canada

Pierre-O, Francois Lefebvre
Canadian Center for Computational Genomics

In this project we will work on the new CC systems (Beluga, Graham, Cedar, Niagara) and potentially mp2 trying to automate the setup of things like the account ID, meaningful default resources limits specific to each system, etc., in order to have zero configuration work done by users before being able to submit jobs. We will also work on creating some built-in safeguards against system abuse by novice users when they use this package. Documentation and tutorials will be easy to read and to understand and will be created at the same time the code is created in order to avoid delays in the delivery of the package. There will be use-case integration with PopSV, a package that could integrate this extension in order to demonstrate how easier this makes life for users of PopSV on CC systems. Time permits, we could potentially provide another software that could benefit from this e.g. SCones.