Eclipse Foundation

Non-profit, member-driven organization, a community of developers & OSS projects

java, che, deep learning, eclipsejavaide, jakartaee
robotics, automotive, tools, cloud native java, iot & edge
Non-profit, member-driven organization, a community of developers & OSS projects

Eclipse is an open source community that's focused around key principles of transparency, openness, and vendor neutrality. Transparency is a relatively easy concept to understand: the work that we do is done in a manner that can be observed by anybody with an interest. While many open source organizations regard openness as a synonym for transparency, the Eclipse community defines openness as a project team being open to new ideas, and inviting others to participate. Vendor neutrality ensures that no single vendor can dominate a project and that everybody plays by the same set of rules (a so-called "level playing field").

Naturally, Eclipse projects are also all about the code. With over three hundred and sixty open source projects covering a diverse set of of technologies, there's something here for everybody.

Eclipse projects build technology in areas such as Internet of Things, Programming Languages and IDE, and Runtimes like Jetty and EE4J (currently known as Java EE)

For those students interested in research, we have an entire working group focused on Science where researches from some of the world's most prestigious labs do open source development to support their research areas.

You've probably heard about our market-leading software development tools; we have that, and so much more...

2020 Program

Successful Projects

Himanshu Balasamanta
Philip Wenig
Eclipse Foundation
Migrating Linux Tools dependency to SWTChart and solving Slider selection issue
SWT is a Java widget toolkit currently under Eclipse that delegates the heavy work to the native operating system. This renders it performant speed...
Rijul Saini
Sun Tan
Eclipse Foundation
CoEditing in Eclipse Che 7
Today, distributed software development teams depend on online collaboration more than ever. The ongoing pandemic Covid-19 has enforced...
Anand Prakash
Lukas Krawczyk
Eclipse Foundation
BTF (Best Trace Format) generation on RTFParallella (Real Time Framework Parallella)
Tracing is an elegant and efficient way of obtaining runtime information on a system. Advanced scheduling concepts are used in multicore processor...
Yash Bharatiya
Philip Wenig
Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse SWTChart-Extending The Export Options
SWTChart is a powerful API utilizing SWT widgets to create custom charts used in chromatography ,mass spectroscopy and other fields requiring data...
Sándor Bácsi
Martin Melik Merkumians, Alois Zoitl
Eclipse Foundation
Detecting Model Inconsistencies in 4diac Models with OCL
Eclipse 4diac is an open source environment for programming distributed industrial automation solutions and control systems based on the IEC 61499...
Philip Okonkwo
Dirk Fauth, Lukas Krawczyk
Eclipse Foundation
A Simulation-Visualizer For Eclipse APP4MC
The aim of this project is to visualize the execution trace of a simulated APP4MC model including its states within APP4MC using a framework such as...
The Bao Bui
Robert Höttger
Eclipse Foundation
Non-Preemptive and Limited-Preemptive Response Time Analysis for Eclipse APP4MC
There are many way to schedule tasks in multi-cores platforms and each of them have result in different timing. One of the effective way to increase...