Blender Foundation

We build a free and open source 3D creation suite.

c, python, opengl, c++, vulkan
virtual reality, graphics, 3d, animation, artist tools
We build a free and open source 3D creation suite.

Blender is the free/open source 3D creation software for everyone, providing individuals and small teams a complete pipeline for 3D graphics, modeling, animation and games.

Blender is being made by 100s of active volunteers from all around the world; by studios and individual artists, professionals and hobbyists, scientists and students, vfx experts and animators, and so on. All of them are united by an interest to have access to a fully free/open source 3D creation pipeline. Blender Foundation supports and facilitates these goals - even employs a small staff for that - but still fully depends on the online community to achieve it.

Since 2005, Blender has organized a dozen short open films and a game project, which helped Blender tremendously to get more accepted by professionals in their daily work. In the past year, Blender has been getting a lot of attention and funding from the industry - this open source 3D software is on the way to become an industry standard in the twenties.

We invite students to think of ways to help us with this. If your passion is with 3D coding, creativity tools, scientific simulation, or anything related to Computer Graphics in general, feel welcome to join us!

2020 Program

Successful Projects

Sam Kottler
Brecht Van Lommel
Blender Foundation
Production Ready Many Light Sampling
This project will continue development on the Many Light Sampling project from GSoC 2018. It will add support for importance sampling of more...
Nathan Craddock
Julian Eisel, William Reynish, Campbell Barton
Blender Foundation
Continued Improvements to the Outliner
This will be a continuation of the previous summer’s Outliner Improvements project. With selection now syncing between the outliner and other...
Falk David
Antonio Vazquez, Matias Mendiola
Blender Foundation
Editing Grease Pencil Strokes Using Curves
Since the Blender 2.8 update, that introduced the Grease Pencil object type, there are a couple of primitives that can be added in the Grease Pencil...
Alexia Legrand
Campbell Barton, Dalai Felinto
Blender Foundation
Custom Menus
The project goal is to add an editor menu for the quick favourites in the preferences and to give the possibilities to create more personal menu and...
Himanshi Kalra
Habib Gahbiche, Bastien Montagne
Blender Foundation
Regression Testing Frameworks
Testing is a nice-to-have tool/utility for developers to check for breaks in early stages of development cycle which is less expensive. Automated...
Mateusz Grzeliński
Campbell Barton, William Reynish, Bastien Montagne
Blender Foundation
Info Editor Improvements
Show logs and debugs in info editor. Add UI features to make it comfortable to work with logs such as filtering, searching, enable/disable on the fly.
Matt Overby
Sebastian Parborg
Blender Foundation
Volumetric Soft Body Simulation
Elastic deformation is an essential component of animation pipelines. Volumetric soft body simulation can be used to capture the complex details of...
Sriharsha Kotcharlakot
Jacques Lucke, Sebastián Barschkis
Blender Foundation
Liquid Simulation Display Options
The goal of this project is to make the viewport more informative by adding options to visualise liquid simulation grids and improving existing fluid...
Ankit Meel
Howard W Trickey, Sybren Stüvel
Blender Foundation
Improving IO performance for big files
Among the 3D formats available, some are simple in theory, yet effective for a lot of different use cases and supported by a multitude of software in...