Open hardware community driven single board computers - Linux at the edge
The Foundation is a USA-based 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation existing to provide education in and collaboration around the design and use of open-source software and hardware in embedded computing. provides a forum for the owners and developers of open-source software and hardware to exchange ideas, knowledge and experience. The community collaborates on the development of open source physical computing solutions including robotics, personal manufacturing tools like 3D printers and laser cutters, and other types of industrial and machine controls.
Support for boards comes from the very active development community through this website, the mailing list, and the IRC channel. On-going funding for board prototypes has been provided by manufacturing partners. Texas Instruments generously allows Jason Kridner, community manager and software cat herder, to spend time to provide support and development of the project as part of their duties at TI.
All the designs are fully open source and components are available for anyone to manufacture compatible hardware. We do request contact and permission before considering the use of the name on any products.
There are a variety of CPUs used on boards optimized for various types of computing tasks. PRUs are ideal for ultra-low latency and exact timing for control and software generated interfaces. DSPs are ideal for digital filters, convolution and audio/video processing. There are also EVEs, GPUs, IVAs, MCUs and more.