Creative Commons

Nonprofit building a vibrant, collaborative, and global digital commons.

python, javascript, django, vue.js, wordpress
web, copyleft, creative commons, legal, nonprofits
Nonprofit building a vibrant, collaborative, and global digital commons.

Creative Commons (CC) is a United States-based nonprofit 501(c)3 organization that provides open content copyright licenses, public domain tools, and resources on copyright and information literacy in the digital age. Our free, easy-to-use copyright licenses provide a simple, standardized way for all creators, authors, and producers of knowledge assets and cultural works to give the public permission to share and use their works on conditions of their choice. CC licenses work in tandem with copyright, allowing creators to easily and legally change copyright terms from the default of “all rights reserved” to “some rights reserved” to best suit their needs.

In addition to the ongoing development and improvement of legal and technical tools for sharing, CC runs programs to put these tools into use in the world, and to mainstream open access, broad sharing, and reuse of creative works and knowledge assets. CC’s programmatic work encompasses outreach, trainings, partnerships, and much more, targeted to achieve measurable impact in improving affordable access to and enhancing reuse of content by anyone, anywhere, towards a more informed, culturally enriched, and productive society. All of CC’s work is amplified by a diverse and global network of volunteer affiliate groups.

2020 Program

Successful Projects

K S Srinidhi Krishna
Kriti Godey, Brent Moran
Creative Commons
Add provider API scripts
Adding new Api's to the workflow, to improve the breadth of cc-search. Implementing the provider scripts and add test suite for each api . Also...
Charini Nanayakkara
Kriti Godey, Brent Moran
Creative Commons
Add Provider API Scripts to CC Catalog
Provide support for retrieving image information from selected providers through their public APIs to increase the material available via CC Search...
Mayank Nader
Kriti Godey, Alden Page
Creative Commons
Improvements to CC Search Browser Extension
Since the release of CC Search Browser extension, it has garnered a good number of users. But, the extension still does not have sufficient features...
Subham Sahu
María Belén Guaranda, Brent Moran
Creative Commons
Add filtering by node to the Linked Commons
The CC catalog data visualization or linked commons is a web application which finds and explores relationships between creative commons licensed...
Ari Madian, zackkrida @ cc
Creative Commons
Improve CC Search Accessibility
The CC Search website is a tool that is available to everyone on the internet, but its accessibility is quite low. The reasons for its low...