Toolkit for cancer imaging research
Toolkit for cancer imaging research
caMicroscope is a digital pathology data management, visualization and analysis platform. It consists of a set of web services to manage digital pathology images, associated clinical and imaging metadata, and human/machine generated annotations and markups. The image visualization client consists of HTML5 based web clients that support interactive rendering of the digitized image, and the creation and display of annotations and markups. In addition to the core caMicroscope digital pathology management framework, caMicroscope organization also consists of several other open source tools, in the domains of healthcare and big data. caMicroscope is used by several medical research organizations.
2020 Program
Successful Projects
Archit Roychoudhury
Pradeeban Kathiravelu, birm, Insiyah
Cancer Region of Interest Extraction and Extending Features
At present caMicroscope has many features like marking up images, running machine learning models on individual images, getting the predictions and...