
Phoenix - Experiment Independent Event Display

Edward Moyse, Riccardo Maria Bianchi

Phoenix is a web-based, experiment independent event display framework in JavaScript for visualizing HEP experiment data from multiple experiments. This project focuses on the following improvements to Phoenix.

  • A more feature rich, control-oriented and intuitive GUI
  • Easier selection of 3D objects and event data (like Tracks, Jets etc.)
  • Keyboard controls for controlling the event display through keys
  • Runge-kutta propagator for using Track parameters to calculate Track positions and decreasing data format size
  • Extension of the current common JSON data format to support more diverse experiments and their event data
  • Support for more CERN experiments like CMS
  • Loaders for loading event data from ".root" and ".ig" files
  • Loading and processing event data from cloud servers
  • Animation of events to simulate the propagation of particles
  • Improvement of VR features
  • Investigating TGeo/GEANT4 geometries and implementing converters to display them in Phoenix
  • Extending unit tests and creating UI tests