Debabrata Mandal

Histogram Computation and Algorithms for Boost.GIL

mloskot, Pranam Lashkari
Boost C++

This proposal aims to make histogram calculation a built-in feature of Boost.GIL. The proposal also adds histogram related image processing algorithms to Boost.GIL like histogram equalization, histogram matching, CLAHE, etc. Apart from that, for the purposes of visualizations of the plots, a new extension will be provided for 3D histograms. The existing code in GIL will be updated with the new features implemented.

All the code provided will be completely generic such that it works with any container type and any image type supported by GIL. It will also extend support for using Boost.Histogram as a container class. Apart from the histogram related contrast enhancement algorithms implemented, tutorials will also be provided for other contrast enhancement algorithms using GIL features to complete the contrast enhancement suite in GIL. The proposal also aims to add benchmark tools to perform quality tests of the available image processing algorithms.