makes remembering things easy

javascript, android, java, gradle
education, android, user generated content, flashcard
makes remembering things easy

Memorize anything with AnkiDroid!

AnkiDroid lets you learn flashcards very efficiently by showing them just before you would forget. It is fully compatible with the spaced repetition software Anki (including synchronization), which is available for Windows/Mac/Linux/ChromeOS.

Study all sorts of things wherever and whenever you want. Make good use of idle times on bus trips, in supermarket queues or any other waiting situation!

Create your own flashcard decks or download free decks compiled for many languages and topics (more than 6000 available).

Add material through the desktop application Anki or directly through Ankidroid. The application even supports adding material automatically from a dictionary!

Need support? (much preferred over comments in reviews here :-) )

★ Key features: • supported flashcard contents: text, images, sounds, LaTeX • spaced repetition (supermemo 2 algorithm) • text-to-speech integration • more than 6000 premade decks • progress widget • detailed statistics • syncing with AnkiWeb • open source

2021 Program

Successful Projects

Shridhar Goel
David Allison, Arthur Milchior, Mike Hardy, Mani
Development of AnkiDroid project
This project aims to develop and improve the AnkiDroid Android App. Here are the list of things which I aim to work on: Onboarding for new users An...
Farjad Ilyas
David Allison, Arthur Milchior, Mike Hardy, Mani
"Migrating to Scoped Storage" By Farjad Ilyas, 2021
This project aims to migrate the AnkiDroid App to Scoped Storage. It will follow Google's recommended approach. This will involve migrating user data...