Shivam Pathak

OONI: Developing Unit, Integration and E2E tests for Probe Desktop apps

Arturo Filastò, Pili Guerra, Sarath
Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL) at UN Foundation

The Probe Desktop is free and Open Source Software that aims to provide insights on and expose the Internet censorship and other forms of network interference. Being open source, it is expected that contributions will be made by the existing community members as well as new people. These contributions can lead to breaking changes if merged unchecked.

As of now, the only way to check if an open PR doesn’t lead to more issues than it solves is manual checking. Not only is this time-consuming and tedious, it is also not enough. Writing a comprehensive suite of tests which includes unit tests, integration tests as well as end-to-end tests can help mitigate a major chunk of these challenges. These tests can then be automated whenever, say, a PR is opened to make sure the proposed changes are non-breaking.