Fabian Schempp

Porting popular modifiers to Geometry Nodes

Hans Goudey, Jacques Lucke
Blender Foundation

For a long time, the modifier system was the main way to procedurally generate and modify 3D data in Blender. While modifiers can be stacked to produce a large variety of results it has limited control over the flow of data. The Geometry Nodes system, introduced in version 2.92 of Blender allows the user to go way beyond these limitations by building complex processing graphs with an advanced attribute system that allows storing data into geometry to be available for later nodes in the graph to operate on. At the time of writing, only a small set of basic functionality is available as nodes. This project will port a selection of functionality from the old modifier system to the new nodes system, taking into account the atomic design, the attributes system, and the variety of geometry types it operates on.