Aman Verma

Implementation of Physical Shape Function

Rafael Silva Coutinho, Jonas Eschle

Zfit is a highly scalable and customizable model manipulation and fitting library. Using Tensorflow as its backend, it has been optimised for simple and direct manipulation of probability density functions with usage target High energy physics analysis ecosystem. The main focus is on scalability, parallelisation and a user friendly experience framework (no cython, no C++ needed to extend). Zfit currently misses library functions which are especially useful in physics. My aim is to implement a new library function named Faddeeva function or Kramp function that can simplify the process of calculation of scaled complex complementary error function using low level functionalities of TensorFlow. This function arises in various physical problems, typically relating to electromagnetic responses in complicated media.The purpose of this new library function is to cater to the needs of scientists and researchers with minimal knowledge of low-level implementation of the function with high performance and accuracy.