Anubhab Das

Logging, Unit Test Infrastructure and Precooked Sources for PRMON

Graeme Stewart, Serhan Mete

PRocess MONitor (PRMON) is a utility programme used by the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) to monitor the resource consumption and performance of millions of jobs run by the ATLAS experiment in particular. The output generated is then used to detect anomalies in individual jobs or task groups. As the functionality of PRMON is extended, the complexity of errors that need to be tested and handled increases. Further, it is presently designed to read the data of processes while they are running. This project aims to implement a logging framework for dynamic and configurable logging. Further, the functionality of PRMON will be extended to read data from preprocessed sources. Each monitor will be adapted to read optionally from these precooked sources. The unit test infrastructure will be developed for testing against complex and unusual errors. Precooked sources will be generated to serve as unit tests consisting of these unusual cases.