

HastagAB, GMishx
  1. Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) will be included as one of the agents in similarity matching.
  2. NLP Library - SpaCy will be used in various agents for better text pre-processing.
  3. New Datasets of SPDX OSS will be created using string generation through regex. Lexicographically relevant and Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) matching will be used as a criteria to selection of relevant newly generated datasets.
  4. Differentiating License Headers from Full Text.
  5. Shifting from txt files to JSON endpoint by developing an API.
  6. The existing infrastructure of Atarashi will be made up to date with better code coverage and reusability of the features.
  7. Testing and Evaluation will be done at frequent intervals to provide better test coverage.
  8. Atarashi’s documentation will be updated at frequent intervals. It will be made up to date for easier installation and usage by providing detailed description and examples.