Shridhar Goel

Development of AnkiDroid project

David Allison, Arthur Milchior, Mike Hardy, Mani

This project aims to develop and improve the AnkiDroid Android App.

Here are the list of things which I aim to work on:

Onboarding for new users

An onboarding flow will help new users to understand the app and its purpose in a better way. This will contain details about the benefits of flash cards and spaced repetition along with examples on how to use them. We can also make use of tooltips and coach marks at various places throughout the app to provide guidance to new users.

Loading/uploading shared decks in-app

Feature to allow users to directly download decks in the app using download link, deck ID or deck name. This will update the current process of downloading the deck and importing it, thus making the app much better since users can easily search for decks using the deck name directly through the app.

Kotlin migration

Start the migration of the project to Kotlin. Onboarding and in-app shared decks features would also be developed in Kotlin.


Apart from this, I am planning to work on other things which come up during the GSoC period. This can include UI/UX changes as well.