Integrate an optical microscope with a camera and motorized stage - Collaboration with FDA
- Mentors
- Organization
- caMicroscope
eeDAP is an evaluation environment for Digital and Analog Pathology. The software has two modes one for digital WSI image evaluation and other for realtime comparison of analog image and digital WSI image. The key features or process of the eeDAP have to be developed such as the registration of the digital and analog images. The registration is done by the study administrator to get the relation between WSI image coordinates and x-y stage coordinates. This project aims to develop the interface to do the local registration and global registration and compute the transformation bias. This will be incorporated with the existing camicroscope code base and added as a plug-in to control the microscope stage movement and lens selection so that comparative analysis of digital WSI image and real-time microscopic image of the same sample is possible.