Karan Kharecha

User Centric Knowledge Engineering and Data Visualization

Krishanu Konar, Jan Forberg, Luca Virgili

The ontologies dashboard was developed last year to show the statistics of the data in an interactive manner for helping community members to get a quick overview from different SPARQL endpoints and Databus collections. This year, the focus is more on user engagement for performing data analysis without leaving DBpedia’s Ecosystem. The project is about including more user-customized activities. This includes enabling user login and creating multiple dashboard instances by specifying the Databus collections. The users can write queries and get the results for visualizing the data, here itself. The system will allow users to publish their own dashboards of their linked data by plotting the graphs they like. With this, there are benefits like: User retention rate, and Flexibility for deriving insights.

The system design of this project uses the state-of-the-art approach for developing the user specific dashboards by querying the data on specified sources in a modularized manner. This could be the addition of new sub-system in existing DBpedia's Ecosystem.