Subham Raj

OPEN DATA KIT: Improve the suitcase application

Jeff Beorse, Li Lin
Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL) at UN Foundation

ODK-X Suitcase is a cross-platform tool that allows the user to upload, download, and update data on an ODK-X Cloud Endpoint from a personal computer . Users can either use the Graphical user interface or the command line interface to perform operations . Users can upload their data in CSV format and access them later. So , Sync endpoint server has to be configured to use the suitcase application. For this project I will focus on five tasks. 1.Presenting user a list of existing table id's and allowing multiple table download at once. 2.Save user credentials and keep user logged in. 3.Improve error handling and display error message to the user for failed requests. 4.Writing unit tests and GUI tests. 5.Improve the documentation.