Improve people's quality of life using patient generated data
Improve people's quality of life using patient generated data
RADAR-base (Remote Assessment of Disease And Relapses) is an open source platform for remote patient monitoring. The main focus of RADAR-base is seamless integration of data streams from various wearables and mobile applications to collect patient generated data in real time and store, manage and share the collected data with researchers for retrospective analysis.
RADAR-base provides both passive and active data collection. Passive collection can be done by directly sending data from phone sensors or device sensor data through the (pRMT) app or device sensor data via cloud storage to RADAR-base or combination of these options. Active data collection using the active Remote Monitoring Technologies (aRMT) app, which includes the use of questionnaires that might ask patients about their mood, medication intake, or the severity of symptoms. All of the collected data can be extracted from the platform in structured formats.
RADAR-base community consists of software engineers, data scientists, researchers,operations engineers, bioinformaticians. The RADAR-base platform was build and maintained by The Hyve B.V (https://www.thehyve.nl/) and PhiDataLab (https://phidatalab.org/) at Kings College London under the IMI RADAR-CNS and IMI RADAR-AD project.
Currently, the platform has been used by many academic institutes and research organizations to conduct remote monitoring studies.
Funding statement and Disclaimer
The RADAR-base platform was developed under projects IMI RADAR-CNS, IMI RADAR-AD, Bigdata@Heart and IMI H2O which received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement numbers 115902, 806999, 116074 and 945345 respectively. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA. See www.imi.europa.eu for more details.
Neither IMI nor the European Union and EFPIA are liable for any use that may be made of the information contained on this website.
2022 Program
Successful Projects
Junjie Zhou
Nivethika Mahasivam, Heet, Yatharth, Joris
GSoC Proposal for Fitbit Web API Subscription and Nutrition API Extension
I am applying for the project 'Fitbit Web API Subscription and Nutrition API Extension' from RADAR-base. The main problem is updating the code...