Jason Liang

IRSIM Dynamic Power Analysis and Other Improvements

Philipp Wagner, Tim Edwards
Free and Open Source Silicon Foundation
c, tcl, Iverilog, ngspice
scripting, Electronic Design Automation, Circuit Analysis
Large digital designs are prone to consume lots of power and thus, a tool for power analysis is needed. There are two types of power analyses: static, which is more of an estimation that ignores circuit operations, and dynamic, which simulates the circuit behavior in conjunction with switching power. These tools are Verilog gate level-simulations and SPICE simulations, respectively, but the former can be inaccurate while the latter is computationally demanding. IRSIM, a tool intermediate between these two simulation tools, simulates the circuit as a network of transistor capable of turning ON and OFF, serving as a tradeoff between speed and accuracy in dynamic power analysis. The goal of this project is to develop and enhance a command-line interface compatible with up-to-date transistor components in the IRSIM library to ensure the analysis accounts for various power domains.