Sohom Datta

Performance APIs spec compliance

Yoav Weiss, Ian Clelland
c++, html, css, js
testing, browser
The Performance API is a set of web APIs that implement the Performance interface of the High Resolution Time standard. The interface is exposed under the window.performance object and allows web developers to accurately determine and diagnose slowdowns, bottlenecks etc in their web applications. To ensure all developers encounter consistent behaviors and implementations of the Performance API across different web browsers, the web-platform-test project has a suite of tests that can be used to determine the browser's compliance with the current specification. These include tests for ResourceTiming, NavigationTiming, PaintTiming, ServerTiming, EventTiming portions of the API, and tests related to reporting the Performance entries and dealing with various methods of preloading resources. In this project, I will be working with mentors to bring Chromium’s implementation of the Performance API more in line with the implementation specified in the web standards. This will be done by analyzing, debugging and fixing failures reported by the web-platform-tests project. By the end of the project, I would want to achieve a 100% pass on all tests in the web-platform-tests suite and be able to address and provide fixes for tests that fail intermittently, as reported on the flake portal.