Kinza Qamar Zaman

TinyParrot: A minimal BlackParrot RISC-V Multicore variant

Olof Kindgren, Dan Petrisko, Mark Wyse
Free and Open Source Silicon Foundation
risc-v, systemverilog, Verilator, Computer architecture
ASICs, Minimal multicore, low resource tapeout, host processor, Linux-capable
This project aims to shrink BlackParrot multicore to have a minimal variant called TinyParrot multicore. The main goal of this project is to get very low resource ASIC tapeouts. The deliverables of this project are: **Provide Minimal ISA support: This will be done by parameterizing the FPU logic (all the FP pipes, register file, and bypass paths). **Shrink the size of caches: The cache size will be reduced to 1kb of data. **Logic saving optimizations: The optimizations are planned to be done through Yosys. Yosys supports optimization passes and runs them while synthesis.