Yahia Zakaria

Interactive Multidimensional Visualizations for Eaglescope

Ryan Birmingham, NAN LI
Department of Biomedical Informatics, Emory University
javascript, react, d3.js
web, data visualization, front-end
Eaglescaope is a framework for creating interactive visualizations and selection dashboards without coding. This project aims to expand upon the current visualizations supported by the framework and to add new features that facilitate creating and sharing data dashboards. The proposed contributions can be grouped into Supporting new multidimensional interactive visualizations: these new visualizations should help the user explore the relation between two or more variables and get more insights by interacting and filtering graphs. Refactoring and documentation: continue the refactoring process by separating filtering logic, adding data and filters to a global state, and adding documentation for the users on using the framework and its general architecture. Adding new features to the framework: that make the process of creating and sharing dashboards more accessible and more effortless.