Harshal Shende

TMVA Developments - Improve Python interface for TMVA

Lorenzo Moneta, Sanjiban Sengupta, Omar Zapata
python, c/c++, cmake
machine learning, programming languages, data analytics, OOPs
Toolkit for Multivariate Analysis (TMVA) is a multi-purpose machine learning toolkit integrated into the ROOT scientific software framework. The pythonization work proposed here is vital to facilitate the transition from C++ to python to write analysis code. The goal of this project is to enhance the Python interface to make it more “pythonic”, i.e. easier to use. This project aims to simplify complex workflows and enhancement of the python interface, greatly reducing the amount of code that has to be written, including pythonizations for TMVA GUI and Hist functions and converters for PyROOT NumPy arrays to convert RTensor from and to PyROOT NumPy arrays.