Lucca Silva

Improving the automatic layout generation of the mixed-signal temperature sensor block in OpenFASOC

CHIPS Alliance
python, tcl, OpenRoad
optimization, System on Chip, Microelectronics, Open Silicon
OpenFASOC is an open-source framework for autonomous generation of optimized integrated circuit blocks given user specifications. It is a growing project divided into multiple circuit block generators, one of which is a novel temperature sensor design. While the generated temperature sensor circuit is adequate, its resulting physical layout is not. A multi-voltage domain structure causes issues with routing between circuit components, which needs to be reworked. To do so, the OpenROAD tool will be studied to implement a better generated layout by tweaking the OpenFASOC flow. An opening to a design space exploration (DSE) optimization technique for the flow parameters is also proposed. Deliverables: an updated, working generator flow that outputs OpenFASOC's temperature sensor physical layout (GDS and DEF files) in SkyWater 130nm with no LVS, DRC or simulation errors.