Mohammad Humayun Khan

Revamped Testing Infrastructure for Phoenix

Fawad Ali, Edward Moyse
angular, typescript, Cypress, JEST, Jasmine, Karma
unit testing, Behaviour-driven development, Test-driven development, End to end testing
This project aims to introduce a new testing strategy so that we encourage Behaviour-driven Development here, at Phoenix — the official web event display of the ATLAS experiment. The whole testing setup of Phoenix needs a complete revamp. Currently, Phoenix as a project comprises 3 packages: phoenix-event-display, phoenix-ui-components, and phoenix-app. And, my goal is to set new benchmarks and coverage thresholds for these 3 packages that will essentially, enforce and encourage testing for the whole of the project with Behavior-driven Development as its sole motivation so that potential issues that may occur in a critical environment can be identified much before they happen. This can effectively help us to troubleshoot problems and bugs so that the changes that will be made in the future to the codebase can be deemed reliable.