CCExtractor Development

TV, Rust, Flutter, Linux, VR and C. In any order.

c, linux, rust, flutter
vr, linux, video, subtitles, mobile
TV, Rust, Flutter, Linux, VR and C. In any order.
CCExtractor Development is the creator of the de-facto captions extraction tool - CCExtractor. It is the one tool that is free, portable, open source and community managed that can take a recording from a TV show and generate an external subtitle file for it. If you regularly watch content with subtitles you download from fan sites - you should know that the source file is most likely generated by CCExtractor. If you are a student in a university that uses subtitles for natural language study, you should know that most likely we are involved somehow. While we already support subtitles from North America, Europe, Australia and more, our world map is not yet complete. We are actively looking for students that want to help us fill the gaps. We also want to automate many of the processes that are currently done manually, such as achieving perfect sync, our media file management. In addition to continuously evolve our core tool, we have a growing number of new projects: support, AI, rclone, cloud, flutter, peer-to-peer and a few more that are starting to take shape. The best part is - students have flexibility of choosing projects from a wide range of topics & technologies and even propose their own. We provide exceptional resources for students. Read more about the perks on our website. We’re very excited to take part in GSoC for the 9th time. Most of our past students are still involved and are active in the community, which simply goes on to show how friendly and approachable is the environment. If you want to be a part of such community and help achieve our goals, come join our Slack group or mailing list!
2023 Program

Successful Projects

Elbert Ronnie
Carlos Fernandez Sanz, Punit Lodha
CCExtractor Development
Rewrite the base parts of lib_ccx to Rust
Currently, the entire lib_ccx library is written in C with only some parts in Rust. Since using C is incredibly difficult to get right, the entire...
Soumya Ranjan Patnaik
Carlos Fernandez Sanz, Candela
CCExtractor Development
Linux backend for Virtual Desktops on Meta Quest Headsets
Some VR headsets such as Meta's Quest 2 come with a Virtual Desktop tool that lets you connect your computer to the headset and get virtual desktops....
Amit Amrutiya
jesec, Akshat Tripathi
CCExtractor Development
Flood Mobile
Flood is a monitoring service for various torrent clients. It's a Node.js service that communicates with torrent client and provides a user-friendly...
Tarun Arora
canihavesomecoffee, thealphadollar
CCExtractor Development
The Sample Platform Project
This proposal outlines several key areas for improvement in the Sample Platform, which is CCExtractor's platform for managing tests, uploading...
Rijuth Menon R
Nishant Singhal
CCExtractor Development
Ultimate Alarm Clock
Abstract Ultimate Alarm Clock is a mobile app that aims to provide features that other alarm clocks don’t have such as conditional alarms based on...
Deepanshu Pratik
CCExtractor Development
Regolith Onboarding
The Regolith onboarding project aims to create a desktop application that helps users learn keyboard shortcuts and workflows for i3 and sway window...
Prateek Sunal
Carlos Fernandez Sanz, Punit Lodha
CCExtractor Development
Rusty CCExtractor
CCExtractor is a widely used application, but some of its code still has issues, and some still exists as part of C code. This project aims to...