PEcAn Project

Develop and promote tools for ecosystem modeling

r, docker, api, geospatial
data science, ecosystem models, scientific visualization, climate science, Ecological Forecasting,
Develop and promote tools for ecosystem modeling
Climate change science has witnessed an explosion in the amount and types of data that can be brought to bear on the potential responses of the terrestrial carbon cycle and biodiversity to global change. Many of the most pressing questions about global change are not necessarily limited by the need to collect new data as much as by our ability to synthesize existing data. This project specifically seeks to improve this ability. Because no one measurement provides a complete picture, multiple data sources must be integrated in a sensible manner. Process-based models represent an ideal framework for integrating these data streams because they represent multiple processes at different spatial and temporal scales in ways that capture our current understanding of the causal connections across scales and among data types. Three components are required to bridge this gap between the available data and the required level of understanding: 1) a state-of-the-art ecosystem model, 2) a workflow management system to handle the numerous streams of data, and 3) a data assimilation statistical framework in order to synthesize the data with the model.
2023 Program

Successful Projects

Meet M Agrawal
Mike Dietze, Chris Black, Qianyu Li, Ankur Desai
PEcAn Project
Improving Test Coverage for PEcAn Packages
The short term goal is to improve unit test coverage for PEcAn base packages. The overall PEcAn ecosystem of packages (e.g, models and analysis...
Mike Dietze, Chris Black
PEcAn Project
PEcAn Packages to CRAN
Currently, PEcAn packages are not available to download from CRAN, this makes it harder to install on systems since it requires the user to manually...
Rohan Sasne
Rob Kooper
PEcAn Project
GitHub Actions - Optimizing CI Pipeline and Utilizing the Whole Docker Stack for Testing
Worked on optimising the CI pipeline, After reconfiguration and optimisation of the pipeline, I was successfully able to reduce the time taken for...
Nihar Sanda
Mike Dietze, Istem Fer, Henri Kajasilta
PEcAn Project
Rejuvenating the PEcAn SDA and forecasting Dashboard
This project is primarily focused on creating an interactive display of the carbon cycle forecast and data assimilation system of PEcAn. The main...