A Fast and Secure Unikernel SDK

c, xen, golang, kvm, assembly language
virtualization, cloud, software reuse, software configurability
A Fast and Secure Unikernel SDK
Unikraft is a fast, secure and open-source Unikernel Development Kit. By tailoring the operating system, libraries and configuration to the particular needs of your application, it vastly reduces virtual machine and container image sizes to a few KBs, provides blazing performance, and drastically cuts down your software stack’s attack surface. Unikraft is developed in the spirit of open source: public discussions on Discord, open source licensing model using BSD-3-Clause, public development and management on GitHub. It does so in the context of a vibrant community consisting of highly skilled software engineers, researchers, teachers, students and hobbyists. Periodic meetings, hackathons and a consistent presence in open source events are central to the well functioning of the community. We use guidelines for development and maintenance to ensure the creation of high quality code. Public releases are planned to happen once every two months. In general, we aim for a public release to happen at the last Monday of each odd month (January, March, May, etc.) We welcome contributors and users on Discord and on GitHub. If you are looking for a fun technical project in the area of operating systems, virtualization, come aboard on Discord.
2023 Program

Successful Projects

Rares Miculescu
RazvanD, Simon Kuenzer, SergiuM, Dr.-Ing. Marc Rittinghaus, Michalis E. Pappas
re:Arch Unikraft
Unikraft is an automated system for building specialized POSIX-compliant OSes (unikernels). These unikernels are configured for the needs of specific...
Tianyi Liu
RazvanD, Simon Kuenzer, Stefan Jumarea
Expanding binary compatibility mode
One of the weak points of most unikernel projects has always been application support, often requiring that applications be ported to the target...
Cezar Craciunoiu, Alexander Jung
Enhancing the VSCode Developer Experience
In this project, I will upgrade the VSCode extension to use KraftKit, the newly released CLI companion tool for Unikraft rewritten in Go. The project...
Zhang Xingjian
Vlad Badoiu, Hugo Lefeuvre, Maria Sfîrăială, Răzvan Vîrtan, Michalis E. Pappas
Arm CCA Support for Unikraft
This project aims to add Arm Arm Confidential Computing Architecture (CCA) support to the Unikraft ecosystem, which is a step of “Unikraft as the...