Pranav Goswami

Compiling SciPy with LFortran

Ondřej Čertík, czgdp1807, Smit Lunagariya, Rohit Goswami, Thirumalai Shaktivel C
c, python, c++, fortran
Compiler Development
I propose enhancing LFortran so that it can compile the majority or all of SciPy's Fortran code to binaries, allowing SciPy to be entirely compiled using LFortran and Clang. Currently, LFortran can compile the majority of Fortran files to ASR (Abstract Semantic Representation); however, there are some lacking features, such as COMMON, BLOCK DATA, SAVE, etc., that must be implemented for it to function properly. I have supplied multiple implementations that will allow these features to function effectively in the vast majority of circumstances. When lacking features are successfully implemented, the majority of the codebase will compile to LLVM. First, I will concentrate on the following packages: specfun, odepack, quadpack, fitpack, and Arpack, and then I will shift to other packages. By compiling SciPy, LFortran would acquire a larger user base, which would in turn encourage additional testing and development.