Ivan Paden

Curvature Adaptive Remeshing

sloriot, Jane Tournois
CGAL Project
computational geometry, Polygon Mesh Processing
The goal of the proposed project is to extend the existing remeshing functionality in the polygon mesh processing (PMP) package with the adaptive remeshing based on the work by Dunyach et al. (2013). The existing implementation isotropically remshes surfaces in three steps: first, edge splitting or collapsing depending on their length relative to the target edge length; second, edge flipping to improve vertex valence; third, tangential relaxation to improve the vertex distribution. The planned extension with the adaptive remeshing involves expanding the edge splitting and collapsing rules, and introducing a new formulation of the tangential relaxation; in addition, feature edges must be addressed. Apart from implementing those three necessary functionalities in CGAL, the contribution to the project would include creating tests, examples, and documentation.