Shivang Vijay

A real-time computing support for concore.

Pradeeban, Mark Arnold, Mayuresh V. Kothare
Department of Biomedical Informatics, Emory University
python, c++, sphinx, raspberry pi, os, Linux/POSIX for real-time computations, Doxygen
iot, c++, python
To achieve real-time execution in Concore, one approach is to optimize the existing codebase. However, implementing the system with straightforward C++ implementations may offer even better results in terms of efficiency and speed, due to the language's closer proximity to hardware. As Concore involves multiple processes, an IPC mechanism should be developed to replace the current file-sharing communication method, in order to enable efficient data transfer. Finally, it's necessary to ensure that Concore with optimized C++ programs can run on an affordable hardware device that supports real-time computation.