
Continous-Time Collision Detection for CGAL

CGAL Project
computational geometry, simulation, collision detection
Funded by GSoC this summer, I propose to add collision detection to CGAL in a way that naturally builds on and extends CGAL’s existing AABB-tree functionality. The project will focus on implementing trusted collision-detection methods, which are attested to by their use in projects like the Godot game engine as well as their continued academic propagation through works like Ericson’s “Real-Time Collision Detection” and courses like UT Austin’s “CS395T: Physical Simulation”. I envision the project having the following deliverables: - Modifications to CGAL’s existing AABB tree functionality where necessary, e.g. to handle moving bounding boxes and dynamic restructuring of the bounding volume hierarchy - Broad-phase collision detection routine that utilizes CGAL’s AABB tree to quickly rule out unnecessary collision queries and identify potential collision pairs - Narrow-phase collision detection routine that performs fast collision tests on the pairs of primitives identified in the broad phase - Tests to cover all changes and new functionality - Documentation of the above The full proposal can be found here: