Arjun Taneja

MCnet/LHAPDF - Test Suite and Coverage for Parton Density Calculations

python, c++, git, fortran, unix, ci/cd, YAML
particle physics, Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Deployment (CD)
The LHAPDF C++ library plays a crucial role in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) programme by providing it with Parton Distribution Function (PDF) data for both experimental and theoretical calculations. The library's reliability and stability are essential to ensure that the information supplied to the LHC programme is accurate. To ensure that all aspects of the LHAPDF calculations are thoroughly tested, this project aims to implement continuous integration (CI) tests, in GitLab and Cron. These tests will be scalable and will run on a schedule to guarantee the stability of LHAPDF-established behaviours to a high degree of precision. Data from these tests will then be fed into a dashboard on the LHAPDF website, which will work to provide the developers with a bird’s-eye view of the library’s status and performance. This testing and visualisation is aimed at providing the necessary confidence when making new releases and analysing current metrics.