Industry leading malware analysis

python, ida-pro, Ghidra
emulation, disassembly, decompilation, malware-analysis, reverse-engineering
Industry leading malware analysis
The Mandiant FLARE team is a collection of about 40 reverse engineers that analyze malware in support of threat intel, incident response, and computer forensic investigations. We spend our days using disassemblers, debuggers, decompilers, and emulators to figure out what malware does and how we can contain it. We’re known for delivering training sessions that share our experience and releasing open source software that automates the boring things. If you have even a passing interest in reverse engineering or malware analysis, reach out so that we can chat!
2024 Program

Successful Projects

Soufiane Fariss
Moritz, Tina Johnson, Mike Hunhoff, Genwei Jiang
capa: introduce capa explorer for web
The project aims to introduce capa explorer web for capa, a reverse engineering tool developed by Mandiant's FLARE team. Capa automates the process...